
Is it illegal to tickle women in Virginia, or is that just a myth? Throughout history, there have been many strange and unusual laws have been enacted across the United States. Among these, one law particularly stands out in the state of Virginia, regarding the act of tickling women. 

Is It Illegal To Tickle Women In Virginia

Yes, according to Virginia Code 18.2-57, it is illegal to tickle women or anyone really against their will! (But, who really tickles someone with permission?…)

This law, labeled as one of the strangest laws in Virginia, demonstrates the importance of body autonomy. Every person has the inherent human dignity which grants them the right to choose what happens to their body. Although the law may seem absurd at first glance, it serves to protect the individual’s freedom to control their own personal space.

While the prohibition against tickling women may be the most well-known, many other bizarre and outdated laws can be found in Virginia, such as age restrictions on trick-or-treating and hunting specific animals on Sundays. These unusual laws serve as a reminder of the evolving societal beliefs and norms, providing a fascinating historical insight into the state’s legislative past.

Legality Of Tickle-Related Laws In Virginia

You may be wondering about how this law alongside other weird laws came about in the first place. Even the weirdest laws have some basis in code sections of the law. 

Historical Context

Tickle-related laws in Virginia can be traced back to archaic laws, likely when George Washington was around. These laws were established during a time when people’s perceptions on personal autonomy and consent were different. These old laws aimed to protect people, particularly women, from unwanted physical contact. 

The reasoning behind these antique laws could have been based on preserving the inherent dignity of individuals and upholding their right to body autonomy. However, times have changed, and societal attitudes about personal boundaries have evolved. This warrants a review and potential changes in the current legal framework pertaining to tickle-related laws in Virginia.

Current State Legislation

Technically, Virginia law treats unwanted or non-consensual tickling as a criminal act. Depending on the situation, it might fall under the offense of assault and battery, leading to potential civil penalties.

According to the Virginia Code 18.2-57, non-consensual tickling qualifies as a misdemeanor. The current legislation aims to uphold individual body autonomy and protect people from having their personal boundaries violated without consent.

It’s important to note that the enforcement of such a law would be highly unlikely in today’s legal environment, but if you are concerned you should seek legal advice regarding the state law. The existence of these laws is often more of a curiosity and a glimpse into the past rather than a reflection of current legal practices or societal norms.

Enforcement and Legal Consequences

While dumb laws may exist, are police officers actually enforcing these? The good thing is that you are more likely to have a good laugh rather than serious consequences from tickling someone. Law-abiding citizens may want to know more about the potential things that could happen from tickling someone. 

Individuals who are found guilty of tickling women or other persons against their will, according to Virginia Code 18.2-571(, may face legal consequences. 

Some potential penalties for non-compliance may include the following things:

  • Fines: Monetary penalties may be imposed on the offender.
  • Probation: The offender may be placed under supervised probation, during which they must comply with certain conditions.
  • Community service: The offender could be required to perform a specific number of hours of community service.
  • Mandatory educational courses: In some cases, the offender may be required to attend mandatory courses on personal boundaries or other relevant topics.

Tickling by nature is typically done amongst friends and family. It is unlikely that someone would actually report you for tickling them against their will. 

However, it is essential for individuals to respect the personal boundaries of others and to adhere to the laws that are in place to protect the rights and dignity of all citizens. By doing so, they can help to create safer communities and support the fair enforcement of the law.

Contextualizing Virginia’s Unconventional Laws

Virginia has many strange laws. Some are related to the use of radiation and an x-ray machine, some are related to when you can hunt wild animals, and some are related to use of a golf cart. Such items are likely not to be reinforced so you probably wont need legal services to help you.

To put Virginia’s tickle law and other weird laws into perspective, there are many states including South Carolina, New Jersey, North Dakota, Rhode Island, West Virginia, New Mexico and New York, and New Hampshire that have weird laws. So, Virginia is not alone.

Comparative Analysis with Other States

Every state in the United States has its share of peculiar laws. For example, New Mexico has a law that prohibits “idiots” from voting, while New York bans the use of selfie sticks at landmarks. Meanwhile, North Carolina outlaws the use of elephants to plow cotton fields.

Public Perception and Compliance

Public perception of these unconventional laws can vastly differ. Many residents may view them as humorous, outdated, or simply bizarre. Consequently, compliance with such laws is generally low. However, the existence of these laws serves as a reminder that state legislation is a product of each state’s unique history and cultural heritage.

Is It Illegal To Tickle Women In Virginia: Summary

In conclusion, despite being next to an awesome metropolitan and modern city like Washington DC, there are some weird laws in Virginia. Virginia’s unconventional laws are just one of the many fun facts about this state. It may be a stupid law, but it is in fact true and not just one of the many urban legends you may hear. The enforcement of these laws also varies. In some cases, they may be enforced for public safety reasons or in response to unique local situations. For example, Virginia’s law against tickling women could be enforced to protect personal boundaries and body autonomy, as stated in Virginia Code 18.2-57.

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